Sunday, March 12, 2017

Moving to Ajijic! - Marge

We are now in Ajijic, our future home! Loving it here! Beautiful town, beautiful lake, beautiful high hills all around; has The Lake Chapala Society, a wonderful organization for expats which offers support, information, the largest English language library in Mexico, free yoga and other exercise classes, Spanish language classes, and much more; great climate--cool in the morning and warm in the afternoon, and brightly painted walls and doors and window frames and everything painted that can be painted--turquoise, salmon, fuschia, lime green, lemon yellow, lavendar, violet, azure, pink, orange and purple--and every other color; with palm trees growing up behind the walls, and trees with giant, yellow blossoms and trees with purple foliage and climbing vines with the brightest red flowers and cobbled streets where horses frequently go clopping by.

Have been here a week so far, looking for a long term rental Love it! Especially the lake-largest in Mexico, which stretches all the way from the edge of town to the horizon-with reeds growing by the shore and a backdrop of mountains. There are horses grazing picturesquely next to the water, and snowy egrets standing in the shallows like aquatic versions of those flamingo lawn ornaments. Also, white pelicans with their long bills, that soar along low above the water and scoters or coots or whatever they're called – little black ducks, swimming together by the shore. The sky over the lake is huge, with great pink and orange sunsets. Yesterday, there were clouds, and in between the clouds, stunningly beautiful shafts of sunshine shooting down! And the malecon, a mile long walkway next to the lake, with palm trees planted all along the way and cast iron benches. Yesterday when we walked along the malecon there was a man playing an instrument--a flute? A clarinet? by the water and, further on, two couples slow dancing to a song in Spanish.

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